The agricultural show, known as The Sennybridge Show, is run by the Devynock Agricultural Society; a one day event, it is held on the first Saturday in September each year.
Venue: Sennybridge is 9 miles west of Brecon and the showground is located just off the A40; postcode LD3 8PG.
Horse, sheep and cattle classes are held during the day together with a dog show. Craft, Domestic and Horticulture tents together with Trade stands, Members tent and Bar surround the ring giving the show an intimate and friendly atmosphere. Show attractions including bands, various displays, competitions and an evening BBQ combine to make our show well worth a visit and a good day out.
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Road Directions
Brecon is reached by the A40 road from the east or west or the A470 from the south or north.
Brecon bus station has services from Cardiff, Llandrindod Wells, Newtown, Swansea, Abergavenny, Hay-on-Wye and Hereford.
Accessible by Public Transport: Abergavenny station is 20 miles away.