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You are here: Information > Submit Event
To add an event for inclusion on MWT Cymru marketing channels, please complete the form below (* items are required) and click the submit button.
There is no charge for MWT Cymru members to submit events.
There is a charge of £15.00-£20.00 (+ VAT) per event for non-members.
If you would like to talk to us about becoming a member of MWT Cymru please contact us on 01654 702653 or email
Mid Wales Tourism T/A MWT Cymru is the official tourism organisation for the Mid Wales region. Your event will display on one or more of the following websites too, depending on its location: |
If you cannot find a suitable category for your event, please email Visit Mid Wales / MWT Cymru reserves the right not to publish all events submitted.
Please enter your event information below.
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